Fira B! Professional Music and Performing Arts Market of the Balearic Islands, organized by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, through the Institute of Balearic Studies, has as one of its main aims to contribute to sustaining and expanding the contemporary creation of Balearic Islands, all the while strengthening the channels of dissemination of the work of creators and companies and activating collaboration between different autonomous communities.
With this intention, the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, through Fira B!, opens a line of collaboration with Primavera PRO, the professional meeting aimed at professionals in the music industry, in order to give visibility to the music scene of the Balearic Islands and also promote the fair.
In the 2024 edition, this collaboration will include a showcase of an artist or band from the Balearic Islands, so Fira B! opens this call for the selection of a proposal from the Balearic Islands that will be scheduled for Primavera PRO 2024, which will be held from May 28 to June 2, 2024. The Balearic artist or group chosen will perform there on the 31 of May 2024.
This call is aimed at artists and groups who originate and/or reside in the Balearic Islands, who develop their activities in the areas of pop music, rock, indie and derived genres, in addition to electronica and urban music.
Object and purpose
1. Promotion of the professional trajectories of Balearic creators and bands
2. Promotion, visibility and recognition of Balearic artistic projects.
3. Contribute to the incorporation of artists and groups into national and international professional circuits.
4. To promote meeting and professional relations with other autonomous communities.
Who is eligible?
1. Natural persons
2. Legal entities
3. Public or private groups of natural or legal persons.
4. The communities of goods
1. Be from or reside in the Balearic Islands
2. Have a professional career, accredited by the publication of at least one full-length record (LP) AND have performed a minimum of 5 concerts in the last year.
Presentation of projects
The projects presented must be prepared to perform a short showcase concert in front of industry professionals. They must also have a minimum structure that guarantees that a networking task will be carried out with professionals in the sector prior to the concert, during its performance AND follow-up afterwards.
The projects will be sent in digital format, using the form you will find on this same page with the following content:
- Contact details of the person presenting, in their own name or as a representative, the proposal, including name and lineage, telephone and e-mail, as well as details of the company, association or any other valid legal form with the where the contract will be made (name, address and CIF).
- Description of the artistic proposal.
- Data from record publications and concerts
- Technical rider.
- Videos.
- Music
- Professional trajectory.
- Availability.
All applications will be answered with an email confirming receipt.
Submission deadline
The term of this call begins with the publication of these rules, on April 16, 2024, and ends on April 23, 2024 (included). No project received after this date will be evaluated.
Criteria that will be taken into account in the assessment:
• Technical and artistic quality, innovation, uniqueness and other distinctive features.
• Potential for project dissemination in Spain and abroad.
• Adaptation to the program and to the features of Primavera PRO.
• Artistic trajectory.
• Original work by composers from the Balearic Islands.
• Solvency of the contracting structure.
• Proposal that includes female members.
• Proposal presenting works by a female composer.
The selection process will be carried out in two phases:
1. Fira B! will carry out a preliminary selection of projects according to the criteria of the present call which will be presented to the Primavera PRO 2024 programming team.
2. The selection of the artist or group that will perform at Primavera PRO 2024 will be made by the selection committee of the same festival following the object and purpose of this call and its selection criteria.